Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 1.x

Xonclock - eyecandy for TC

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thanks curaga. i was going to suggest that command line options are posted with new extensions from now on, but sometimes they will be too long, and it certainly won't fit in the .info

tobiaus, maybe only for apps that don't list them in --help?


--- Quote from: curaga on March 01, 2009, 08:14:44 AM ---tobiaus, maybe only for apps that don't list them in --help?

--- End quote ---

yes, at least. i use --help without thinking about it, others may not- the same way i can never remember to use-the-freakin-man-page. it's probably why i don't know twice as much about linux, but i normally prefer distros that conserve space by not including them, eh? and yes there are online man pages. i just think it would be an interesting convention for users of tc, but it is asking a lot and maybe you're right. quite likely, really.

I need to use the programs I tout...  I typed "man xonclock"  and there it was, fetching the manual from die.net onto my netrix browser. Instead, I had tried going to the home page, where I didn't find any documentation.....it's probably there somewhere....but I don't see it. 


--- Quote from: jpeters on March 01, 2009, 12:05:29 PM ---I typed "man xonclock"  and there it was, fetching the manual from die.net onto my netrix browser.

--- End quote ---

is that a feature of the netrik extension? i also tried man xonclock, even though i expected it wouldn't do anything in tc, because --help suggested it. 


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