Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 1.x
Xonclock - eyecandy for TC
--- Quote from: tobiaus on March 01, 2009, 01:44:00 PM ---
--- Quote from: jpeters on March 01, 2009, 12:05:29 PM ---I typed "man xonclock" and there it was, fetching the manual from die.net onto my netrix browser.
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is that a feature of the netrik extension? i also tried man xonclock, even though i expected it wouldn't do anything in tc, because --help suggested it.
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I use a script that I configured to work with Netrik:
--- Quote ---First it searches through /usr/share/doc, and if nothing is found loads http://linux.die.net/man/${1}.
--- End quote ---
that's pretty easy, i think i'll write my own. thanks!
--- Quote from: tobiaus on March 01, 2009, 04:34:54 PM ---
--- Quote ---First it searches through /usr/share/doc, and if nothing is found loads http://linux.die.net/man/${1}.
--- End quote ---
that's pretty easy, i think i'll write my own. thanks!
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I think it gets a little tricky decending through folders and links correctly...at least according to Barry K who ain't no slouch!
well, if you pipe find /usr/share/$manfolder (not a real variable) into grep $1 (or something like that,) it should give you a pretty good idea whether you have the man page or not. i've thought of three ways to do it (some of them could be silly) while typing this, i chose the one easiest to explain in few words.
since i don't have a single man page on tc that i know of, i don't need that feature anyway, i can simply have man load the online version, but i don't deny it's a fun idea. you could even wget the file to /tmp, load into html2text (i'm more likely to have that than netrik) and pipe into less.
....or, you could just run the script and not download anything (in addition to being able to access multiple levels of doc, html, and links if you ever DO have them on your computer. ;)
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