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Author Topic: tinycore_v3.0rc1  (Read 23487 times)

Offline roberts

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« on: July 11, 2010, 02:38:26 AM »
Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce Tiny Core 3.0 RC1 is now available.

* New kernel update to ( a upx'ed version is also available in the distribution file area ).
* New 64-bit kernel available in distribtion files area.
* New compressed swap in ram -> able to run more and longer, less crashes due to out of ram
* New tmpfs root always -> no longer possible to exhaust ram in an "embed" boot via files
* New improved virtualization support
* New ext4 support in base/base tools
* New delta extension updates as the default using zsync.
* New kernel for support of pci-hotplug modules
* New modules for eeepc-laptop and ssb
* New kernel-agnostic dep files supported by core functions.
* Updated busybox 1.17.0  New applets: flock, modinfo, rev, unxz, xz, xzcat. Tar etc support xz now.
* Updated glibc updated to 2.11.1 and recompiled against 2.6.33 kernel headers
* Updated gcc updated to 4.4.3, recompiled against 2.6.33 kernel headers and cloog, ppl, mpfr, gmp
* Updated e2fsprogs base libs/apps updated to 1.41.11
* Updated zlib 1.2.5,  ncurses  5.7,  sudo 1.7.2p6,  pcmciautils 017, module-init-tools 3.11.1
* Updated util-linux-ng,  libpng 0.43,  libfreetype 2.3.12,  libImlib2 1.4.4
* Updated X libs in base to Xorg 7.5, libICE-1.0.6, libSM-1.1.1, libX11-1.3.3, libXau-1.0.5, libXaw-1.0.7
* Updated libXcursor-1.1.10, libXdmcp-1.0.3, libXext-1.1.1, libXfont-1.4.1, libXft-2.1.14, libXi-1.3
* Updated libXinerama-1.1, libXmu-1.0.5, libXpm-3.5.8, libXrender-0.9.5, libXt-1.0.8, libXtst-1.1.0
* Updated libjepg, libsysfs, systool, get_device, bcrypt, rungetty
* Updated squashfs module with latest patch.
* Updated .profile for flwm titlebar new color.
* Updated tce-setdrive and tc-restore.sh for better /tmp/tce test.
* Updated 55-tc-rules for better permission on ramzswap.
* Updated tc-functions with new getMajorVer and getMirror
* Updated tce-audit, tce-fetch.sh, tce-load, tce-update, and appbrowser for getMirror.
* Updated tce-setup for microcore .gzs in /opt/tce remaster
* Updated ondemand, dropped jwm/wbar improved handling of multiple .desktop elements.
* Updated exittc to handle rare case of missing BACKUP env variable.
* Updated tc-config, tce-setup, startx, desktop.sh for legacy window manager support of freedesktop and ondemand.
* Updated AppsAudit: added OnDemand Maintenance (add/remove) OnDemand items.
* Updated ondemand to support new feature in AppsAudit.
* Updated AppsAudit: dropped full path from "Check for Updates" display.
* Updated flwm* for potential issue when used with peristent home
* Updated tce-setdrive to exclude cdrom and dvd.
* Updated mktclocal to exclude cdrom and dvd.
* Updated usbinstall moved bzImage and tinycore.gz/microcore.gz to /boot
* Updated wbar_upd_icon.sh for missing c: in freedesktop Terminal & Icon case.
* Fixed various typos and other small tweaks and adjustments
* Fixed freedesktopcheck in startx
* Updated usbinstall added UUID clause to waitusb option.
* Updated tce-update to acknowledge when system is up-to-date.
* Updated tce-update to accept tce dir as parameter.
* Fixed bug in tc-functions autoscan.
* Fixed flwm* ownership of .wmx files when alternate user is specified.
* Updated .filetool.lst & .xfiletool.lst to support alternate user(s).
* Updated tce-setdrive to suport alternate user.
* Updated shutdown.sh. Added .xfiletool.lst processing when home not in backup for persistent home.
* Updated cpanel. Dropped relic code referencing HOME.
* Updated tc-functions getMirror and getbasefile.
* Updated tce-load. Added for -i option, a fall through check of standard .tce_dir
* Updated tce-load. Fixed bug. Local loading was not processing all dependencies.
* Updated filetool.sh to explicitly call busybox tar.
* Updated tce-audit for recursive deletions.
* Updated appsaudit added "Clear Marked for Deletion" option.
* Updated desktop.sh, startx, tc-config to support generic icon manager via new interface files.
* Updated wbar with new interface files for new generic icon support.
* Updated getRGB for wallpaper recall current solid color background.
* Updated wallpaper to read current solid background color.
* Updated .xsession .X.d to allow spaces in filenames.
* Updated linstdc++ to 6.13 now aligns with toolchain extension.
* Updated rebuildfstab to support raid devices.
* Updated some incorrect device types and numbers.
* Updated fltk libs for threads, exceptions, and rtti support.
* Updated tc-config with new boot code blacklist

Note. Files likely in your backup that have changed and need to be updated:



.xsession likely in your backup update from /etc/skel.
wbar should be removed from .X.d/ as there is now a generic call to ICON manager in .xsession

Note: If you have been staying current and have alpha9 then the only changes from alpha9 to rc1 are:
* Updated fltk libs for threads, exceptions, and rtti support.
* Updated tc-config with new boot code blacklist
* Updated busybox 1.17.0  New applets: flock, modinfo, rev, unxz, xz, xzcat. Tar etc support xz now.
* Updated squashfs module with latest patch.

10+ Years Contributing to Linux Open Source Projects.

Offline jur

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Re: tinycore_v3.0rc1
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2010, 03:01:44 AM »
Please see my remarks re a Xorg-7.5 bug which has been traced to <what I understand to be> a i915 driver bug.

I understand drivers to be part of the kernel; so would this affect BzImage?

Offline yoshi314

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Re: tinycore_v3.0rc1
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2010, 06:47:43 AM »
it seems that when x starts up (on plain tinycore, with no extensions) my display goes out of sync.

i'll have to dig into this and reverify.

using ati radeon x1300pro on pci-e. anybody else with an ati card can reproduce it?

Offline curaga

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Re: tinycore_v3.0rc1
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2010, 07:07:11 AM »

There hasn't been a change w/ Xvesa in a while. My HD4350 and X1600 still work fine.
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Offline yoshi314

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Re: tinycore_v3.0rc1
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2010, 08:35:40 AM »
it seems it was a one-time problem. after a second attempt xvesa started and i had display.

btw, there is a small rectangle of garbage following my cursor on lxde2+xorg when i open some tinycore tool sub-dialogs or close them. it goes away after moving mouse cursor over to another program window. that's weird.

Offline sci_fi

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Re: tinycore_v3.0rc1
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2010, 08:53:58 AM »
Hi yoshi314:

I wish to confirm the strange cursor behavior on lxde. I commented on it sometime ago. See:

I see this behavior on fluxbox, xfce, and lxde. Not on gnome, flwm or icewm.

For this reason, I have remained on icewm rather than going to lxde.

Any suggestions much appreciated.

Thanks and Best Regards,


Offline meo

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Re: tinycore_v3.0rc1
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2010, 11:21:01 AM »
Hi all!

Just came home and saw that the first RC of TC 3.0 had arrived. After a first and brief try it works just fine with the original flwm. Thanks a lot to all of you who are a part of team TC! It will be exiting to follow the progress of TC 3.0 to it's final release. Thanks again!

Have fun improving TC,
« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 05:36:00 PM by meo »
"All that is very well," answered Candide, "but let us cultivate our garden." - Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire

Offline ixbrian

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Re: tinycore_v3.0rc1
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2010, 12:41:50 PM »
I have a question regarding the 64 bit kernel and Tinycore.   I saw in the 3.0 Alpha 3 release notes that the tinycore64.gz was withdrawn due to a compatibility problem with Xvesa.   With this in mind, is it possible to remaster Tinycore with the 64 bit kernel if Xorg is included, or is it only supported to use the 64 bit kernel with Microcore?


Offline Arslan S.

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Re: tinycore_v3.0rc1
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2010, 01:53:35 PM »
I have a question regarding the 64 bit kernel and Tinycore.   I saw in the 3.0 Alpha 3 release notes that the tinycore64.gz was withdrawn due to a compatibility problem with Xvesa.   With this in mind, is it possible to remaster Tinycore with the 64 bit kernel if Xorg is included, or is it only supported to use the 64 bit kernel with Microcore?


technically microcore + xorg + a desktop or a window manager is the same
« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 01:55:27 PM by Arslan S. »

Offline ixbrian

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Re: tinycore_v3.0rc1
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2010, 02:31:28 PM »
I have a question regarding the 64 bit kernel and Tinycore.   I saw in the 3.0 Alpha 3 release notes that the tinycore64.gz was withdrawn due to a compatibility problem with Xvesa.   With this in mind, is it possible to remaster Tinycore with the 64 bit kernel if Xorg is included, or is it only supported to use the 64 bit kernel with Microcore?


technically microcore + xorg + a desktop or a window manager is the same

The reason I am asking specifically about Tinycore and the 64 bit kernel is because I am developing a program that simplifies remastering Tinycore and Microcore (http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=6645.0).   I am adding in support to remaster with the 64 bit kernel, so I am trying to find out if the 64 bit kernel only works with Microcore or if it is possible/supported to remaster Tinycore with the 64 bit kernel if Xorg is included. 


Offline yoshi314

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Re: tinycore_v3.0rc1
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2010, 02:49:37 PM »
ok, i am a bit confused, because i cannot find root shell anywhere.

how do i get it? i need it to mount my encrypted lvm

edit: ok, looks like i can do it with sudo, which allows tc for everything without a password.

edit: extra filesystem modules (from filesystems package) are installed into /usr/local/lib/modules/ . is that really correct?

edit3: where's ext4?figured it out, looks to be built-in.

Code: [Select]
tc@box:~$ sudo alsaconf
Can't create temp file, exiting...
« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 03:12:44 PM by yoshi314 »

Offline Arslan S.

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Re: tinycore_v3.0rc1
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2010, 03:35:43 PM »
I have a question regarding the 64 bit kernel and Tinycore.   I saw in the 3.0 Alpha 3 release notes that the tinycore64.gz was withdrawn due to a compatibility problem with Xvesa.   With this in mind, is it possible to remaster Tinycore with the 64 bit kernel if Xorg is included, or is it only supported to use the 64 bit kernel with Microcore?


technically microcore + xorg + a desktop or a window manager is the same

The reason I am asking specifically about Tinycore and the 64 bit kernel is because I am developing a program that simplifies remastering Tinycore and Microcore (http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=6645.0).   I am adding in support to remaster with the 64 bit kernel, so I am trying to find out if the 64 bit kernel only works with Microcore or if it is possible/supported to remaster Tinycore with the 64 bit kernel if Xorg is included. 


so what you need to do is:
tinycore64 with Xorg=microcore64+Xprogs+Xlibs+Xorg+flwm_topside

you can not use 64 bit kernel with tinycore.gz because of kernel modules

well maybe you can try replacing kernel modules from microcore64.gz into tinycore.gz

Offline curaga

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Re: tinycore_v3.0rc1
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2010, 04:30:35 PM »
The reason I am asking specifically about Tinycore and the 64 bit kernel is because I am developing a program that simplifies remastering Tinycore and Microcore (http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=6645.0).   I am adding in support to remaster with the 64 bit kernel, so I am trying to find out if the 64 bit kernel only works with Microcore or if it is possible/supported to remaster Tinycore with the 64 bit kernel if Xorg is included.  


My opinion is that it would be an unnecessary hassle to first download microcore64.gz to get the modules, only to add them to the current image (ie, downloading again most of the base). The wizard could simply state that if a 64-bit result is desired, start with the 64-bit image.

Yes, TC = MC + Xlibs + Xprogs + Xvesa (+flwm_topside+wbar). There's no difference beyond that, so just replacing Xvesa with Xorg in that equation lets things work.

Sure, it would also be possible to download the 64-bit kernel plus modules from microcore64.gz, and add those to the current image.
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.

Offline curaga

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Re: tinycore_v3.0rc1
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2010, 04:33:57 PM »
ok, i am a bit confused, because i cannot find root shell anywhere.

how do i get it? i need it to mount my encrypted lvm

edit: ok, looks like i can do it with sudo, which allows tc for everything without a password.

sudo su

edit: extra filesystem modules (from filesystems package) are installed into /usr/local/lib/modules/ . is that really correct?

Yes. That's where they were before as well?
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.

Offline yoshi314

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Re: tinycore_v3.0rc1
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2010, 02:48:00 AM »
ok, i am a bit confused, because i cannot find root shell anywhere.

how do i get it? i need it to mount my encrypted lvm

edit: ok, looks like i can do it with sudo, which allows tc for everything without a password.

sudo su

edit: extra filesystem modules (from filesystems package) are installed into /usr/local/lib/modules/ . is that really correct?

Yes. That's where they were before as well?
not sure.

i guess i messed something up on the way. it all seems to work now. i had some problems loading those modules earlier, and i was expecting to see them at /lib/modules/(....)
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 04:27:11 AM by yoshi314 »