i found an interesting issue
i've installed kmaps and setup boot params
kmap=ruwin_cplk-UTF-8 ; # in file /tce/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf boot line
when i do
sudo loadfont ~/psf/UniCyr_8x16.psf ; # in file /opt/bootlocal.sh
in terminal, then i can type with

-???-???, but if i press enter after then i got раз-два-три (russian letters)
this also works with mcedit, but even better i can see letters with too much of space between, but after saving file i can read it normally
if i'm putting loadfont into opt/boot it doesn't work and i have to manually start it again,
but as for me, all i was needed just to type some texts in my olnb i think i'll make it work even without xorg now.
with xorg i've installed xfonts, glibc2-locale base-locale, font-util, fontconfig, freetype, but all i needed to do was putting string
setxkbmap us,ru -option grp:caps_toggle & ; # in file ~/.xsession
and it was working in geany and abiword, but i'd like to have xvesa, since there's not so much video ram
i'm fan of utf8, got it everywhere for compatibility
maybe some more tips any1?
there's an option that i found in gentoo, maybe that's the needed clue
DUMPKEYS_CHARSET="UTF-8" ; # in etc/sysconfig/keymap
but i don't know how to write it in sysconfig without some echo "" >> ././keymap command, so it was there before exec