Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases

Tiny Core 3.0 Alpha 9 Testing

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Xianwen Chen:

--- Quote from: roberts on July 04, 2010, 01:27:28 PM ---You may. But since .X.d/ is still in /etc/skel it will  reappear.
If you exit to shell, then rm -rf .X.d/ then startx to see that in theory it can be removed.
It is a convenience to leave in /etc/skel.

--- End quote ---

Thanks Robert!

Generic icon support is working great! I'll get an info file put together for tablaunch soon, and submit it to the repo.

In the past mounthes I made several trials to compile one of my favorite applications, fldigi on TC without success due to several reasons. Now I have it up and running on Alpha 9. But.... It is an fltk based application and requires fltk configured with --enable-threads and compiled with --fexception and -frtti

Replacing the three fltk libs it works fine and fltk based tools are still working. I do not see any negative impact and libs are just a bit larger.

Please consider to update fltk libs in base as above.

Could you list the libfltk sizes (base + recompiled) for comparison?

I'm sure you know it, but in the meantime you could make a cpio/gz overlay to overwrite the base libs.


--- Quote from: Juanito on July 05, 2010, 03:44:22 AM ---Could you list the libfltk sizes (base + recompiled) for comparison?

--- End quote ---

Size in bytes, base / recompiled:

libfltk             539,644 / 586,624
libfltk_forms    18,568 /   22,608
libfltk_images  52,444 /   56,432


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