Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases

Tiny Core 3.0 Alpha 9 Testing

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An innocent question: in your schedule when do you think we will get the final release of Tiny Core 3.0?



We are waiting for busybox 1.17 to be released  from git and a zlib mod/correction.  Both are from upstream projects outside of our control. As soon as these two items become available they we feel we can move forward in the release cycle. In the meantime we have corrected many bugs and continued to update core elements.

Hi there!

Just want to mention some typos I've found. Pressing f3 at boot gives you a bunch of boot codes on the screen and the explanations of them. The home and opt boot codes are explained as specify peristent (should be persistent I guess) home/opt directory. Nothing big but I think this exceptional distro deserves a change of typos to be correct. Thanks again for an extraordinarily distribution!

Have fun continuing its development further,

Thanks for pointing out the typos. Fixed.


--- Code: ---depmod -a
modprobe -l
--- End code ---
gives me an error modules.dep not found


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