Using terminal or a file manager go to /mnt/
In there you hard drive should be listed

For example on my computer I type the following commands into terminal
cd /mnt/
This makes the terminal travel to the mnt directory
mnt stands for mount. Although it seems like this should be obvious it took me a while to figure this out.

Then I list all avaliable devices in the mnt directory using this command.
ls -a
The Terminal typically spits back
hda1(my hard drive)
You then type in "cd <foldername>" to travel iinto the folder.

So in my case I type in the following.
cd hda1
Then I type in this to list all of the follows on my hard drive
ls -a
I again get all the files and folders I can view
My terminal spits back
From their you can drob a .xpm splash image into /mnt/hda1/boot/grub
and edit the menu.lst with with vi
If your hard drives name is hda1 Here is one line that will travel to /mnt/hda1 and list all the folders and files in mnt/hda1/
cd /mnt/hda1/;ls -a
I hope that helps

If not feel free to ask another question