To: mario
Here is what I get:
tc@box:~$ cat /etc/sysconfig/cdroms;
/dev/sr0 /dev/hdc
tc@box:~$ mount | grep '^/dev/' | grep -v loop ;
/dev/sda2 on /mnt/sda2 type ext3 (rw,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered)
tc@box:~$ eject
eject: can't open '/dev/cdrom': No such file or directory
This might be an AMD64 processor conflict with Tiny Core's 386 built image, but I'm only guessing.
That was a nice piece of detective work in your line of code.
I'm still learning Linux and I greatly appreciate your time.
I 'll just live w/o eject.. It was convenient to use on the command line.
Thanks mario