I think you misunderstand me.
I can see, that we have libc.2.11.1 and the new version is 2.11.2
I request an update.
I am sorry i have mixed xtdesk into this conversation.
1) It has nothing to do with 3.0 Alpha 7 testing.
If I should not request updates at an alphe release, when else?
EDIT: Just to explain my earlier posts
In the beginning I had problems with getting xtdesk to work. I traced the problem back to libc-2.11.1 (I am not finished debugging).
When i searched a little, I saw, that a new version of libc is available.
When I now request this new version, it is simply because it is a newer version, and i tought it might contain bugfixes etc.
I really hope you understand me correct now