I just encountered another problem booting with user=xxx:
/opt/tcemirror is still owned by "tc" (problem 1), causing appbrowser to quit silently (problem 2) when selecting another mirror. It writes to stderr, but this is dropped when run via wbar. Maybe "popup" should be called instead with this message.
Edit: This experience led me to running
find / -xdev -user tc
on a bare TCL 3.0 alpha 7. There were quite a lot. I think these could trigger errors:
But I think most of the others shouldn't be also owned by tc, since they could be a security breach:
/etc/skel/* (these change the owner during copy)
And this one owned by tc is just "odd":
Yes I know, that in standard configuration sudo has no password, but changing the owner away from is "good manner" and prevents accidents cause for faulty scripts, for example, you know, the ones just hack together in a hurry.