I would first like to thank the Tiny Core team and all contributors for all of your great work.
I have been working on creating extensions, but ran into some trouble when the entry for an application appeared in neither wbar nor the "Applications" menu. I first suspected that it may be a problem with the .desktop file, and, after many tests, couldn't find anything wrong with it. I also couldn't see anything wrong with the way my extension was constructed (I used the same name for the .tcz, .desktop, etc.). I discussed the matter with ^thehatsrule^ (whose help is much appreciated) in the I.R.C. channel, and gained a greater understanding of how extensions are loaded.
All of this led to me dissecting the "tce-load" script and eventually finding the problem. I had followed the wiki, and therefore hadn't created a "tce.menu" directory, as I thought that this was no longer required. However, as you can hopefully tell from the following, "desktop.sh" is not called without the presence of this directory:
if [ -d /tmp/tcloop/"$APPNAME"/usr/local/tce.menu ]; then
if [ `ls -l /tmp/tcloop/"$APPNAME"/usr/local/tce.menu | wc -l` -gt "1" ] ; then
for item in `ls /tmp/tcloop/"$APPNAME"/usr/local/tce.menu`; do
[ "$BOOTING" ] || ( [ -s /etc/sysconfig/desktop ] && desktop.sh $item )
[ "$BOOTING" ] || ( [ -s /etc/sysconfig/desktop ] && desktop.sh "$APPNAME" )
I believe that changing this code to call "desktop.sh" with or without the presence of the "tce.menu" directory would help to ease the transition from Tiny Core 2 to 3. I could always place an empty "tce.menu" directory in my extension, but this seems like a messy workaround. In the meantime, anyone following the wiki will run into the same problem.