If one uses '/usr/bin/tce-setdrive' and selects (e.g. by accident) a CD-ROM device (e.g. '/dev/hdc') one gets the following result: tc@box:~$ cat /opt/.tce_dir
tc@box:~$ tce-setdrive
tce-setdrive - Choose Drive for TCE directory
1. /mnt/hda1
2. /mnt/hdc
Enter selection ( 1 - 2 ) or (q)uit, (n)ext, (p)revious: 2
mkdir: can't create directory '/mnt/hdc/tce/': Read-only file system
chown: /mnt/hdc/tce: No such file or directory
chmod: /mnt/hdc/tce: No such file or directory
touch: /mnt/hdc/tce/mydata.tgz: No such file or directory
Your TCE Drive, /mnt/hdc/tce, is now enabled!tc@box:~$
tc@box:~$ cat /opt/.tce_dir
I guess when the 'mkdir' fails the remaining commands should probably not be attempted and at least the change of '/opt/.tce_dir' should not be done.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that this happens on TC 2.11.1 as well as TC 3.0alpha4.