@core: Don't forget that your TC system is in a VM and that your host system (and / or your router) will probably have a firewall running. It probably depends on the firewall rules what you can do from "inside" the VM.
In my case (using VBox on a XP host system) I have no problem to ping my host (i.e.
ping, my router, and even 'google.com'. But when using QEMU I can't ping the router or 'google.com'. I put that down to some firewall setting somewhere but can't be bothered to look into this since that is without significance for the "real" traffic (e.g. using 'http').
So in your case we can see that your (emulated) network card was found, has received an IP address (proven by
inet addr: and has had even some traffic going in and out (proven by
RX bytes:1180 (1.1 KiB) TX bytes:1180 (1.1 KiB)). So what you could do next is something like
wget http://goggle.com and report back if that results in an error.
BTW in *NIX the 'ping' runs forever (or you could limit it with the '-c' option) whilst in windows it's default is to use 4 attempts (or you could use the '-t' option to let it run forever).