We're using pxe booting TCL (base) with x0vncserver (and ntfs-3g) so our support folks can vnc in and work on damaged windows systems.
The problem is that we don't want users to be able to interact with TCL since when it boots it's already logged in. So I added slim.tcz to the tftplist (and gave the tc user a new password and restored the required files to support this, in a custom.tcz). We're using 2.11.
How can we get 1) the TCL to boot into graphical mode with a login prompt, and 2) allow vnc into the box so the techs can login remotely?
I can vnc in just fine if I don't use slim-- but if I don't use slim then TCL is already logged in as tc, so the users can muck around and we dont want that.
If I use slim, I cannot vnc in-- I suppose thats because the x0vncserver hasn't started yet because I think that's in the .xsession file for the tc user and they have to log in for that to run. And when I enter the credentials locally, slim just displays a text page that says "mtrr something..." and then flips back to the slim login -- that's when I log in as tc. When I log in as root, it says failed to execute login command and then flips to the text screen and then back.
[Seems like this would be a common thing, and I did google and search here to no avail... probably dont have the right terms, sorry.]