Greetings all.
I just discovered tinycore a couple of days ago. and as I assume was similar with many of the others here I was drawn in by the incredibly small foot print (I suspect windows 95 is bigger

(correction, just looked it up, it's almost as small as windows 3.1 :O )
so I've been playing with it and being amazed and all, but short answer, I can't get persistence to work.
longer answer, I can't make it back up to my SD card. it can see it, but nothing more. and linux seems to have some wierd trait where it can only see 4 partitions in a drive. so the fact that this HP has 4 partitions for nearly no reason (2 for recovery purposes and one installed by windows 7) completely thwarts my efforts of setting up a 5th partition just for linux fun.
I also tried running it in suns virtual box, and while everything ran beutifully, I still couldn't find a way to make it backup.
now I suspect I may be missing some really important step, I tried waitusb to see if that could help with the SD card, and formatting it (ext4 if this is a problem it would be nice to know.) and tried giving boot commands tce = mmcblk0p1 (sdcard) and tce=sda5(assuming 5th partition of primary drive.) but alas that partition can't be seen by tiny core because I can't get it formatted to EXT.
hmm, what more. sorry this is getting lengthy, hopefully not uselessly so.
nope can't think of anything more. I do have a couple other small problems when booting natively but I figure they should be a lot easier to figure out than this. and much more useful by then.
Thanks, and have fun in the Core