Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases
Tiny Core 3.0 Alpha 2 Testing
Jason W:
Regarding zsync-
I have made .zsync files for all extensions in 2.x and 3.x. Also I make them for new extensions before uploading. Therefore when zsync.tcz is installed in your system, you will get the benefit of zsync when using the update function of Appsaudit. In other words, it is like with rsync and only the changed parts of extension files are downloaded. In the case of an extension like openoffice3.tcz, a change in the extension may only affect the menu entry or icon files. Without zsync, you would have to download the entire new 168MB extension to update it. With zsync, the difference that is downloaded may only be measured in kilobytes in that case. Possibly a huge savings in bandwidth when updating extensions.
--- Quote from: bigpcman on May 11, 2010, 06:39:07 PM ---I'm not sure if getMajorVer and getMirror are supposed to work from the command terminal but I tried them out. The getMajorVer command returns 3 as expected but getMirror doesn't return anything. Is this correct?
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They are functions (are part of tc-functions as stated).
--- Quote from: maro on May 11, 2010, 10:04:51 PM ---I was wondering whether in the age of "unlimited loop devices" there is still a need to have 255 of them "hardcoded" in the initrd.
Maybe a little function (e.g. in 'tc-functions') to create an additional chunk of loop devices could be called (when required) by 'tce-load'.
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I think this was covered in the previous thread... it is covered by a certain revision in busybox.
--- Quote from: Jason W on May 11, 2010, 10:07:04 PM ---Regarding zsync-
I have made .zsync files for all extensions in 2.x and 3.x. Also I make them for new extensions before uploading. Therefore when zsync.tcz is installed in your system, you will get the benefit of zsync when using the update function of Appsaudit. In other words, it is like with rsync and only the changed parts of extension files are downloaded. In the case of an extension like openoffice3.tcz, a change in the extension may only affect the menu entry or icon files. Without zsync, you would have to download the entire new 168MB extension to update it. With zsync, the difference that is downloaded may only be measured in kilobytes in that case. Possibly a huge savings in bandwidth when updating extensions.
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This sounds interesting. In fact it sounds like zsync might be well considered to be in base instead of an extension, since this is such a central feature of tinycore.
(I haven't looked at zsync.tcz so don't know what it does but I can guess. Will look tonight.)
zsync is in the base of 3.0 and an option (extension) for 2.x.
Jason W:
My bad, I overlooked that zsync was in 3.x base.
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