Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases
Tiny Core 3.0 Alpha 2 Testing
Continuing on with 3.0 Alpha Testing (see: http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=5949.0)
tinycore_3.0alpha2.iso is now available for testing.
Alpha 2 is bug fixes, tweaks, and adjustments.
* Updated wallpaper for new default background color.
* Updated .profile for flwm titlebar new color.
* Updated tce-setdrive and tc-restore.sh for better /tmp/tce test.
* Updated 55-tc-rules for better permission on ramzswap.
* Updated tc-functions with new getMajorVer and getMirror
* Updated tce-audit, tce-fetch.sh, tce-load, tce-update, and appbrowser for getMirror.
* Updated tce-setup for microcore .gzs in /opt/tce remaster
Wow you are fast. Great progress on tc3!
Testing Alpha2 now.
I'm not sure if getMajorVer and getMirror are supposed to work from the command terminal but I tried them out. The getMajorVer command returns 3 as expected but getMirror doesn't return anything. Is this correct?
In AppsAudit, The "On Demand Results" pane does not show current selections as it does in "On Boot".
Same is seen in V2.11.
I meant to ask this in the alpha1 thread:
What does this mean?
--- Quote ---* delta extension updates as the default using zsync.
--- End quote ---
Sounds like only new version extensions are updated... but that was what was happening before...
I was wondering whether in the age of "unlimited loop devices" there is still a need to have 255 of them "hardcoded" in the initrd.
Maybe a little function (e.g. in 'tc-functions') to create an additional chunk of loop devices could be called (when required) by 'tce-load'.
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