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Author Topic: Kompozer.tce,z  (Read 3233 times)

Offline Jason W

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« on: February 08, 2009, 11:24:09 PM »
Thanks to Onyarian we have Kompozer:

Code: [Select]
Title: kompozer.tce
Description: Kompozer web authoring system  (TESTING)
Version: 0.7.10
Author: Lead developer: Fabien Cazenave aka Kaz?e
Original-site: http://kompozer.net/
Copying-policy: MPL 1.1-GPL 2.0-LGPL 2.1
Size: 12,02Mb
Extension_by: Onyarian
Comments: This extension requires:
glib2, gtk+-2, expat2, fontconfig, Xorg
This extension contains:
loads into /usr/local/kompozer
Change-log: 2009/02/08
Current: 2009/02/08

Code: [Select]
Title: kompozer.tcz
Description: Kompozer web authoring system  (TESTING)
Version: 0.7.10
Author: Lead developer: Fabien Cazenave aka Kaz?e
Original-site: http://kompozer.net/
Copying-policy: MPL 1.1-GPL 2.0-LGPL 2.1
Size: 12,02Mb
Extension_by: Onyarian
Comments: This extension requires:
glib2, gtk+-2, expat2, fontconfig, Xorg
This extension contains:
loads into /usr/local/kompozer
Change-log: 2009/02/08
Current: 2009/02/08
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 03:39:51 PM by Jason W »

Offline Onyarian

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Re: Kompozer.tce,z
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2009, 12:44:50 PM »
In the dependences of this kompozer extension is Xorg (with 23Mb) because the need of two libraries: libXinerama.so.1 and libXfixes.so.3.
This libraries can be found now in the new skype_support.tcel extension, with only 20Kb size.
So I think is better to load the skype_support.tcel in those who don't need Xorg extension for other reason.

Perhaps is a good idea to rename skype_support.tcel extension to another name compatible with this kompozer extension.

Thanks to jpeters to make it.

Edited 2009/02/10:
Thanks!, now skype_support.tcel changed his name to Xlibs_support.tcel, and there is a tczl version too.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 10:39:50 AM by Onyarian »