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Author Topic: [ TC 2.11 final : mnttool ]  (Read 2881 times)

Offline frimical

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[ TC 2.11 final : mnttool ]
« on: May 03, 2010, 08:58:46 AM »
hello roberts,

quote from 2.11-final annoucement:
* Updated mnttool smaller gui, less screen space, and more intuitive.

thank you for your indirect compliment by implementing my suggestion

( regarding the improvement of the old "mnttool", http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=5871.msg31325#msg31325 )

 which seemed to me that it wasn't so interesting and has been overlooked just by not beeing posted in the right place...
...but surprise! it's here, in front of my eyes!

thank you