Hey guys,
I've made a small modification (it makes the mnt tool more useful to me, at any rate) to the mnttool command, and thought I might as well share it with the rest of the community. All devices are visible at once, allowing for one click to mount or unmount a drive, rather than having to click through the list.
I ditched the FL file, since fluid doesn't really seem designed for interfaces which more or less build themselves, but the code is based on TinyCore's original mount tool. compiled mnttool and source code are in the attached binary. it would be nice to see something along these lines in the next TC release for the mnttool.
I compiled the cxx file using "fltk-config --compile mnttool.cxx".
Compile with "g++ -Os -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -lfltk -o mnttool mnttool.cxx"
I'm curious as to how the TC team got the filesize for the mnttool down to 8K... Mine is still 150KB after being stripped...
EDIT: Recompiled on clean boot (base norestore) brings the size down to 9K, so the bloat must be caused by having something installed that shouldn't be there when aiming for tiny apps... (attached file has been updated to include the smaller binary)