LXDE2.tcz is a metaextension which installs a basic LXDE system on a stock TC 2.10 Compared to LXDE.tcz there are two main differences:
1. Dropped lxterminal.tcz as a dependency, default terminal is aterm
2. PCManFM replaced with PCManFM2/libfm
In LXDE PCManFM is not only a file manager but handling the user's desktop too. PCmanFM2 is a complete rewrite and not just a new PCManFM version. There are many changes and new features. Most important:
1. Auto-mount for removable devices and and “Auto-run” dialog. (Finally we have this!) - no need to install HAL
2. Support ‘menu://applications/’ to show installed applications in pcmanfm. (needs lxmenu-data) (reported to be a little bit buggy?)
3. Support ‘menu://applications/DesktopSettings/’ to show configuration tools. This just acts like control center. (only when you have lxmenu-data installed)
4. “Open in terminal” now works for folders on desktop
5. “Create New” is working on desktop.
6. The color of location bar is changed when pcmanfm is executed with root user.
7. Fix command line argumnent-related bugs.
8. Fix sorting related bugs
9. New configure option: –enable-debug
10. Some minor bugs were fixed.
Another key feature:
Have GIO/GVFS support but "still keep original speed" and memory usage is still acceptable. Seamless remote filesystem access such as sftp and smb (provided by gvfs). Trash can (provided by gvfs). Use of GIO/GVFS is optional, if not installed, it will work on the good old way.
Please note, PCManFM2 and libfm are in beta still as well as LXDE2. There may be bugs, missinng configurations, etc. However it seems to be OK and stable. So feel free to try!
http://tc.hasix.org/scrcap/lxde2a.png (screenshot)
[^thehatsrule^: replaced img w/ url... think of the dial-up users
