AFAIK we are the only desktop distro that uses busybox to this extent. The others that have it use a lot of the GNU utils instead.
I read some-where that Busybox has become the de facto standard for embedded Linux devices and Linux distribution installers (which is designed to be a small executable for use with the Linux kernel ). :
1) buildroot (A configurable means for building your own busybox/uClibc based system)
2) OpenWrt ( A Linux distribution for embedded devices, based on buildroot )
3) PTXdist ( Another configurable means for building your own busybox based systems )
And so many others like: Deb-installer (boot floppies) , RH-installer, SlackInstaller ,Gentoo boot , Mandriva-installer are on the fore-front in this direction.
By the way, here is an interesting read abt Building Tiny Linux Systems with Busybox:
http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/4395 and abt Google's busybox replacement, toolbox:
A difference is that TC brings some of what I think are traditionally embedded things to the regular "destop" environment.
Yah , previously embeded tech was mostly used special space technology - in numerous missions like the Mars Rovers and Deep Impact. In that context your this point is worth mentioning !
It is very easy, if you take the time to learn, to set up Tiny Core just how you want it. Most other operating systems cannot be modified as much, as easily.</quote>
Is Slitaz and likes, exceptions ?
The frugal installation has already been mentioned.
With Tiny Core the operating system and applications don't become corrupted, so it works the same every time. (You can mess up personal settings. This can be rectified by deleting them.)</quote>
Is it again the same as Live Distro`s shutdown & forget the corruptin concept ?
On Demand enables a large amount of programs to be installed, but they don't use computer resources, such as RAM, unless you start them. This means Tiny Core can run on a computer with less ram.</quote>
Does this apply to all loop mounted linuxes ?
Are we missing some more exclusivities of TC here ?
Now the opposite points(if any ) - we know, exception proves the rule

In which type of H/W - on the lower(minimal set ) and upper (latest and resource hungry set), TC can not be used ?
In which OS`s company ( resource sharing) , TC give hiccups or create problems ?
Are there any issues (solvable thru some work-around ) and un-solvable ones - in MC / TC ( specially while using X ) ?
~ Pats