I have two 400mhz pentium11 IBM 600e Thinkpads, model 2645-4bg, each with about 327 Mb of memory and a 10 gig hdd.Over the years I have tried just about every linux distribution always with sound and wireless problems (I use Linksys Dual Band A+G mod WPC55AG ver 1.2 pcmcia card).
Tiny core has been a fantastic solution to the low speed and memory limits of the machines and I have gone from TC 2.3 to 2.8 with no real problems.I use xmms as cd/mp3 player, alsa for sound and got chrome-browser i686 working very well (c-b i386 wouldn’t work for me).
I have just tried 2.9 final release on one of the machines and alsa seems to be broken (I dont get the recognition that I have a 600e/700 and the ability to change etc/modprobe.conf to reflect the 4236 sound card when I do alsaconf.I notice that chromium-browser i686 has vanished from the repository.
I have now reverted to 2.8 using minefield as my browser and all is well.My question is: if TC keeps up its rapid evolvement and my machines do not cope,could I freeze my systems at 2.8 and still use the apps repository for the foreseeable future or will the format of TCZ’s change also.
Thank you Roberts and all the team for all your hard work TC is such a brilliant concept and your support via the forum is excellent also.
Best regards oldgit