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Author Topic: TCs Prestine state with peristent home and opt thru bootcode or otherwise !  (Read 2458 times)

Offline Pats

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I wonder if it is poosible to maintain TCs prestine state with persistent home and opt - preferably thru ome bootcode !
After lot of local working and internet surfing, is it possible that the home and opt dire. get clobbered with some unwanted files, links and leftovers etc accumulated on HDD ?
If yes, then can we revert-back to the original prestine state of the newly configured , fresh installation - off-cource without losing the installed ext and configuration ?

Presently, to achieve this state, I simply backup all my newly installed TCs file structure to the USB drive - and copy-paste them to TCs file system after a gap of some days.
Does it achieve my purpose of maintining persistent prestine state or am I missing something terribly ?
Are there any boot options for this or any scripts available ?

~ Pats

Offline alu

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i don't know if i understand right what you mean, but i have smthg similar than what you suggest: you can put every personal preferences and customized settings on a usb, a server or another external support, and mount everything you need either at boot or later, and either all together or one feature by one; if you want to come back to pristine state, just umount -a (except that the loaded extensions will obviously remain mounted)

Offline roberts

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I am not sure of what is being said as well. I have always promoted creating personal extensions of static content, i.e., personal configuration files et al.
10+ Years Contributing to Linux Open Source Projects.

Offline Pats

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My peristent home and opt are on HDD partition. Backup of the freshly installed TCs /home and /opt and /tce and configuration files are on USB stick.
I think that after certain days, the /home and some other user created dire on HDD may get corrupted and/or filled with garbge leftover files of my diff. experimental installations and due to downloaded but unwanted files thru net etc., which a newbee like me cannot keep track of !

In such case , I rm -f (persistent) /home /opt and other user created dire/files/symlinks etc from the persistent from the HDD partition, and then restore all these dire. again from the backed-up dire from my USB stick.
Is there any better way to achieve this - so that the oroginal prestine state of my TC installation is restored back, without the fear of any loop-holes, trojans, viruses or broken/corrupted file structure ?

I hope - I am clear this time !
( One good option may be - as suggested by Roberts. ) Any other ?

~ Pats

Offline jls

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dCore user

Offline Pats

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( maybe u can read this: )

Thnks jls ! I always like your various expermentations in TC and more so because you always share the results with the community !
One more Q, generally I clear some un-wanted processes / background connections ( if any ) by:
ps -a
sudo kill <process_id>

Is there a better way, to do this and other unwanted memory resident processes thru some scripting ?
Also how can we check for broken symlinks ( which no longer points to any valid files/dire. ) due to removal of such files or dire. ?

~ Pats