I think there might be dependencies for pppd in a clean version of latest tcl(2.9), there are no listed for pppd but I cant get pppd kicking. Should be possible getting a connection by installing pppd package and pppsetup(pppsetup + dep), but something is missing, didnt put more effort to it myself, maybe symlinks modem-usbmodem ?, went back to wattos. Good luck. By the way, the pppsetup is crippled to only recognize ttys0-ttys3 and limited to max speed 460300, the alternatives should be ttyUSB0-4 and ttyACM0-4 (cell phone on usb is mostly detected as /dev/ttyACM0) and no limitations for speed, it is easy editing the scripts though in the etc/ppp/. As mentioned, good luck. Let us know if you fix it and we will parasite your work.