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Author Topic: VBox-OSE-additons 3.0.4 has shared folder bug  (Read 7368 times)

Offline nhathaway

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VBox-OSE-additons 3.0.4 has shared folder bug
« on: February 17, 2010, 10:19:40 AM »
The problem is described and fixed here:


I would guess that just recompiling and releasing the latest version would fix this. The latest is 3.1.4 at the time of writing this.

Offline Kingdomcome

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Re: VBox-OSE-additons 3.0.4 has shared folder bug
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2010, 10:58:09 AM »
I will try to get a VBox build to complete to the point of building the guest additions.  Recently added deps and a bug in TC's gcc have prevented me from successfully building the entire VBox package which is my goal since the current guest additions extension appeared to continue to work with later versions of the host.

Offline nhathaway

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Re: VBox-OSE-additons 3.0.4 has shared folder bug
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2010, 09:36:36 AM »
Yes, thanks. It is the guest additions that are most useful to me.

Offline nhathaway

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Re: VBox-OSE-additons 3.0.4 has shared folder bug
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2010, 09:53:13 AM »
Quick comment: you might want separate out the non-GUI from the GUI (X windows). This would be useful for microcore where you just want to have shared folders (and optimised network, etc) and no X Windows.

I believe the files are:


You could put them in with the modules, for example (unless I have misunderstood the way it works).

Offline Kingdomcome

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Re: VBox-OSE-additons 3.0.4 has shared folder bug
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2010, 04:19:33 PM »
I understand that the guest additions are more desired than the host app, but the package is released and must be built as a whole.  I spent quite a bit of time yesterday updating the build script and will spend some more time today trying to iron out the kinks, most dealing with changes in the package.  I will keep this thread updated with my progress.

Offline msolnik

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Re: VBox-OSE-additons 3.0.4 has shared folder bug
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2010, 09:48:09 PM »
I have been able to partially build the VBox 3.1.4 guest additions - I seem to be running into a bug/issue. Even using the old version. With the guest additions loaded (lets say the 3.0.4 ones) the first time you click in Xorg it does not register. You need to click a total of 4 times before the event is sent down. I reproduce this by just using TC 2.8.1 with the VBox 3.0.4 extensions installed. Has anyone seen this/have any ideas how to fix?

Offline maro

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Re: VBox-OSE-additons 3.0.4 has shared folder bug
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2010, 10:45:39 PM »
@Kingdomcome: Hmmm, I don't know what you mean with "... but the package is released and must be built as a whole ..." I can only hope that you plan to keep at least the kernel modules separat from the "fluffy GUI stuff" (e.g. VBox-OSE-additions-modules- vs. VBox-OSE-additions.tcz).

I use VB most of the time to run TC and I hardly ever have a need for the additions. Xvesa works fine for me and I try to stay clear of unnecessary things (e.g. Xorg). I had a quick look in what packages exist for Ubuntu 09.10 and it appears to me that they have split 'virtualbox-ose-guest-utils' (e.g. mount.vboxsf) from 'virtualbox-ose-guest-x11'.

As I recently had a bit a go in that direction (http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=4831.msg26049;topicseen#msg26049) I wonder what you think about a split along similar lines.

Offline nhathaway

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Re: VBox-OSE-additons 3.0.4 has shared folder bug
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2010, 07:51:47 AM »
msolnik: I find it comes up automatically on boot without having to do anything. It does seem to start Xvesa, close it, and then start Xorg.

You have to manually mount the the shared folder (e.g. from the startup script), or you have to make fstab persistent and put the mounts in there.

Offline Kingdomcome

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Re: VBox-OSE-additons 3.0.4 has shared folder bug
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2010, 08:08:58 AM »
What I meant is that the source is downloaded as one big tarball containing the host app and the guest additions, and I have not found a way to build just the guest additions without at least building the host app whether it is to be used or not.  That is not causing the delay, the X portion of the additions is giving me troubles now.

I have no problems splitting the shared folder portion and the X portion into 2 extensions, but I would rather hold off submitting until I have both portions working so that there is as little confusion as possible.

The problem Im having is that Xorg is failing to start and the backtrace is not helping me to figure out what is going wrong.  I will attach my Xorg.0.log in the hopes that other Xorg gurus (ping Curaga :D )  may look at it and have some advice.   If I cannot get this sorted out soon, I will look into splitting and updating the shared folder portion to 3.1.4 while keeping the 3.0.4 X portion that is currently working.

Offline curaga

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Re: VBox-OSE-additons 3.0.4 has shared folder bug
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2010, 08:51:04 AM »
Hmm, sorry, doesn't ring a bell.
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.

Offline danielibarnes

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Re: VBox-OSE-additons 3.0.4 has shared folder bug
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2010, 11:53:46 AM »
I have no problems splitting the shared folder portion and the X portion into 2 extensions
I split open-vm-tools into two extensions: one with no X support and no dependencies and one with X support and 19 dependencies. I am waiting for TC 2.9 and the compiletc update before I submit the extensions so I can build against the new libraries.

Send me your build script for the guest additions in a PM. I'm not an Xorg guru, but I can try to help.

Offline msolnik

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Re: VBox-OSE-additons 3.0.4 has shared folder bug
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2010, 01:17:53 PM »
nhathaway - When Xorg is loaded and you first try to click on something (3.0.4 or 3.1.4 guest additions and 3.1* host) - does it immediately respond? My issue is it takes 4 mouse clicks before it responds. If you monitor it with xev its not registering a button press.

Kingdomcome: try removing waitforx from your .xsession - this helped me. Sometimes things load funny though so occasionally i need to put a sleep 1 where the waitforx line is.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 01:34:04 PM by msolnik »

Offline nhathaway

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Re: VBox-OSE-additons 3.0.4 has shared folder bug
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2010, 04:34:08 AM »
msolnik: sorry, I misunderstood your original post. Yes, I get the same thing. I was wondering what caused it.

kingdomecome: you can get the guest additions separate from the main package. If you download the non-OSE versions, the guest additions are supplied as source in an ISO file, and they compile separately. I believe the kernel modules are the same source as in the OSE edition. I'm not sure about the rest. I don't know if that is any help (I'm not sure what the licence restrictions/implications are).

Offline Kingdomcome

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Re: VBox-OSE-additons 3.0.4 has shared folder bug
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2010, 03:25:55 PM »
My apologies for not getting back quicker, I had a very busy weekend.

msolnik: The need for 4 clicks before Xorg registers is a problem that I and others have seen as well, it was still present in the latest I built and tested (3.0.8, which I didnt submit since there was no fixes or added functionality noticed).  Hopefully it has been fixed and we can get this version working.  Xorg is failing to start, therefore waitforX doesnt even come into play...

nhathaway: The GuestAdditions.iso is readily available but using it to make a distributable package would violate the licensing. The source and resulting files are exactly the same as the OSE tarball, but the extraction process in the iso is done by a proprietary script, and causes licensing issues.  This was Sun's idea to keep redistribution in the hands of capable people.

danielbarnes:  I too am waiting for the exception handling fix in TC 2.9, I believe it will allow the vbox host app to run successfully along with a couple other projects Ive tried.  PM with build script sent.

Offline msolnik

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Re: VBox-OSE-additons 3.0.4 has shared folder bug
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2010, 05:25:53 PM »
I have found a way to avoid the 4 clicks! Its a modification to the xorg.conf file. This seems to work for me. Kingdomcome - let me know if you need any help with X. Using the non-ose drivers for 3.1.4 i have been able to get it working. Here is my working X config. I changed the mouse driver to evdev. Also kingdomcome would you mind sending me the build script too? Thanks!

Code: [Select]
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier     "X.org Configured"
Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
InputDevice     "Mouse1

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Keyboard0"
Driver      "kbd"
Option      "XkbRules"       "xorg"
Option      "XkbModel"       "pc105"
Option      "XkbLayout"      "us"

Section "InputDevice"                                   
        Identifier  "Mouse0"                             
        Driver      "evdev"                             
        Option      "Protocol" "auto"                   
        Option      "Device" "/dev/input/event1"         
        Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"             

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Mouse1"
Driver      "vboxmouse"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier   "Monitor0"

Section "Device"
Identifier  "Card0"
Driver      "vboxvideo"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device     "Card0"
Monitor    "Monitor0"