My apologies for not getting back quicker, I had a very busy weekend.
msolnik: The need for 4 clicks before Xorg registers is a problem that I and others have seen as well, it was still present in the latest I built and tested (3.0.8, which I didnt submit since there was no fixes or added functionality noticed). Hopefully it has been fixed and we can get this version working. Xorg is failing to start, therefore waitforX doesnt even come into play...
nhathaway: The GuestAdditions.iso is readily available but using it to make a distributable package would violate the licensing. The source and resulting files are exactly the same as the OSE tarball, but the extraction process in the iso is done by a proprietary script, and causes licensing issues. This was Sun's idea to keep redistribution in the hands of capable people.
danielbarnes: I too am waiting for the exception handling fix in TC 2.9, I believe it will allow the vbox host app to run successfully along with a couple other projects Ive tried. PM with build script sent.