Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

help me. right click doesn't work

<< < (2/2)

Looks like you have loaded windowlab.tcz.
Some of the tiny window managers do not set the mouse cursor. Therefore the default big X cursor.

To set the mouse cursor typically you would use:
   xsetroot -cursor_name top_left_arrow

I believe xsetroot is available in the full Xorg extension.

The windowlab extension appears not to support tce dynamic menus.
Although it would seem easy enough to add such capability.

As a new user, unless you require windowlab, you may wish to try jwm.tcz or icewm.tcz instead.
Both icewm and jwm appear and operate much like the Windows interface.

 :o awesome.
yes i load windowlab

"I must reinstall tinycore". that is the first thing what I'm thinking  :D

I have to save your command, thanks a lot. :)


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