Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

help me. right click doesn't work

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Hi. I am a noob linux user. I choose tinycore for my old laptop.

but why my cursor change to be X logo. and I can't use right click, can't use scale, can't use more tools.
only left click work better
I don't know what happen.

anyone here can help me to change back my cursor? and help me to activated my right click.


(forgive me for my bad english)

This sounds like there might be a problem in your /home/tc/.xsession file

Maybe you could try exiting to the prompt and running xsetup.sh

in xsetup.sh I choosed
1027x768 15

(ps2 still doesnt work)

I you don't mind, can you explain to me why it can happen? and what should I do to avoid this happening in the future?

I'm not sure what might have happened, but if everything is OK now, you can make a backup (use backup/restore in the control panel) and your settings will be saved for next time.

thanks for the help  :)


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