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Which is commercially most successful Linux Distro ?

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--- Quote from: Pats on February 02, 2010, 02:06:01 AM ---Is there any way to know which Linux Distro sell how much copies of its OS commercially - I mean any site or Official Govrning Body or a linux enthusiast who may be doing this kind of tracking ?
Or one has to believe the OS vendors BS/Ac figures ?
~ Pats

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I don't think you can find any figure, especially not official. What may help is the financial report of the few companies. But it is not easy to compare. In case of REDHAT product is not the distro itself, but the services sold.

a lot of clients my company supports use suse linux on their servers. so i guess it's popular in that field.


--- Quote from: yoshi314 on March 22, 2010, 08:29:47 AM ---a lot of clients my company supports use suse linux on their servers. so i guess it's popular in that field.

--- End quote ---

Are you in Germany?


--- Quote ---a lot of clients my company supports use suse linux on their servers. so i guess it's popular in that field.

--- Quote ---Are you in Germany?
--- End quote ---

--- End quote ---

Suse is widely used in Eurpoe and perticularly in Gr.Britain ! But it can be Japan also !

While RHE supposed to be popular in Corporate World due to their service network, ( although, Debian is widely used to build its derivatives ) !

Off-cource, direct feedback from service-providers ( like Yoshi`s company ) - can be more reliable !

~ Pats


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