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Which is commercially most successful Linux Distro ?

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With the ever increasing Linux Jungle, it will be interesting to know - which Linux Distro is more successful commercially ( businesswise ) ?
RH , Debian or .. ?
~ Pats

What do you mean commercially ? Distro sold as a commercial product, a distro sold in bundle with services ot simply a distro used in highest number?

Anyhow, please read this article:

- What do you mean commercially ? -
I mean 'Distro sold as a commercial product' .

By the way, thanks for the DistroWatch link to 25Jan2010 issue.
Sections abt Hymera, Ubunt and Lubuntu are interesting.
Also write-up abt Tiny Core Linux 2.8 is mentioned here.

But the more interesting reading for me in this issue is abt OpenBSD:
' "The insecurity of OpenBSD", a blogger raises some doubts and highlights some of the possible problems with OpenBSD: "An argument often made by proponents of OpenBSD is the extensive code auditing performed on the base system to make sure no vulnerabilities are present. '
It is worth reading in original here:

One more thing to notice why TCL's new releases are not mentioned in the section :
'Upcoming Releases and Announcements' on DistroWatch ?

Thanks !
~ Pats


--- Quote ---I mean 'Distro sold as a commercial product' .
--- End quote ---

I would say REDHAT. It is used in the corporate arena, supported by system integrators and service providers like IBM, etc.

--- Quote ---One more thing to notice why TCL's new releases are not mentioned in the section :
'Upcoming Releases and Announcements' on DistroWatch ?
--- End quote ---

Most probably because there are no official announced release date. And possible due to much shorter relese cycle than usual.

Is there any way to know which Linux Distro sell how much copies of its OS commercially - I mean any site or Official Govrning Body or a linux enthusiast who may be doing this kind of tracking ?
Or one has to believe the OS vendors BS/Ac figures ?
~ Pats


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