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Author Topic: "grp" ownership for /tmp/package/usr/local/tce.installed when making extensions  (Read 2524 times)

Offline bigpcman

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The guidelines for creating extension startup scripts in http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=2072.0 states

Note:  It is very important to set the permissions on the startup script to root:staff/775.  The same for the /usr/local/tce.installed directory itself.  This directory needs to be read/write/execute for group staff.

I noticed the scripts in many extensions like opera have ownership root:root. Can the group be staff or root for both the tmp/package../tce.installed and script file, does it matter?

« Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 05:15:05 PM by bigpcman »
big pc man

Offline Jason W

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Groupd needs to be staff and the perms need to be 775 for the /usr/local/tce.installed directory and preferably also for the file.

Offline bigpcman

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Groupd needs to be staff and the perms need to be 775 for the /usr/local/tce.installed directory and preferably also for the file.


If as user "tc" I perform mkdir -p package/usr/local/tce.installed all the directories in the path will have tc:staff ownership. Can I assume the extension installation will preserve /usr/local ownership as root:root and tce.installed as tc:staff?

edit: I tried this out and the perms are not maintained.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 04:51:57 PM by bigpcman »
big pc man

Offline Jason W

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As root, or using sudo, use these commands

chown -R root:staff package/usr/local/tce.installed

chmod -R 775 package/usr/local/tce.installed

before packing the extensions.  That will ensure the right perms.

Offline bigpcman

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As root, or using sudo, use these commands

chown -R root:staff package/usr/local/tce.installed

chmod -R 775 package/usr/local/tce.installed

before packing the extensions.  That will ensure the right perms.

Thanks for the tips.
big pc man