It looks to be a story of symlinks.
/usr/local/bin/soffice -> /usr/local/oo2/program/soffice
/usr/local/bin/soffice -> /tmp/tcloop/oo2/usr/local/bin/soffice
/tmp/tcloop/oo2/usr/local/bin/soffice -> /usr/local/oo2/program/soffice
/usr/local/oo2/program/soffice -> /tmp/tcloop/oo2/usr/local/oo2/program/soffice
It appears that something gets lost in the chain of symlinks and soffice cannot find these two files:
when it should be looking for these two files:
This can be fixed by changing the menu item/icon to launch soffice by "/usr/local/oo2/program/soffice" rather than "/usr/local/bin/soffice"
This means that it cannot be started from the command line, but I guess if you use oo2, you probably wil not use the command line anyway

Anybody see a better solution?