Exactly. That's clear.
But why doesn't Opera show in the drop-down-field at "Open with" the Xpdf-Viewer when the window opens to aks where the file should be saved?
I attached a screenshot of the "Download file"-box from my Windows XP machine.
At TC and Linux-Opera I am only able to select "Other Application ...".
Next problem: systemwide the "@" (ATL-GR+Q at Gernan keyboard layout) as well as the vowels (ö, ä, ü), the "ß", "\" and some other keys in conjunction with "ALT-GR" are working fine. But in Opera it's not possible to type them.
I tried every German keyboard layout available with kmap (de-latin1-nodeadkeys.kmap, de-latin1.kmap, de.kmap, de_CH-latin1.kmap).
The keys are not "stored" in another position (like US-layout). They're just not working.
German layout looks like this:
Is there a file I can edit to fix this and "route" Opera to the correct settings?
"standard_keyboard.ini" at "/usr/local/share/opera/ui/" isn't a helpful option.