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Author Topic: how to see my applications after reboot?  (Read 5619 times)

Offline beerstein

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how to see my applications after reboot?
« on: January 25, 2010, 07:38:28 AM »
I tried the new 2.8 version and installed: midnight commander, Firefox, roxfiler and geannie.
These applications are all I want. I was able to put a mydate.tgz file onto my /hda1/tcabackup
Ehen I reboot I can see all my applications in my /home/tce  directory and can do a local install.

But the help file says (at least I understand it that way) that I can save and install the applications.

The current status is, that after reboot I always have to reinstall locally to see my applications. Is there a way to
have them installed from /hda1/ automatically at reboot?

Can somebody help me on that? Or does somebody know a post where it is explained.

Thank you so much in advance
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Offline Guy

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Re: how to see my applications after reboot?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2010, 07:57:50 AM »
I don't know exactly what you have done, or what you understand, but here is some info which will help.

The extensions now need to be in /tce/optional. Which may be /mnt/hda1/tce/optional.

Some things have changed. The easiest way may be to remove mydate.tgz, and set 2.8 up as a new installation. (You can make the necessary changes if you know what you are doing.) It is best to save a copy of any files you don't want to lose before updating Tiny Core.

After doing this and rebooting Tiny Core:

Open the Control Panel, and run Apps Audit, then OnBoot. Click on any programs you want to load automatically when starting Tiny Core.

Still in the Control Panel, run OnDemand. Select the numbers of any programs you don't want to load automatically when you start Tiny Core. These can be started from On Demand in the menu.

In earlier versions /tce/optional must be owned by tc:staff. This is probably still the case. If it is not, installing additional programs won't work. One way to do this is to create the optional directory in /home/tc with a normal file manager, and cut and paste it to the /tce directory with a root file manager.

I hope this helps.

If you have more questions, post them.
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Offline ^thehatsrule^

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Re: how to see my applications after reboot?
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2010, 02:13:00 AM »
It's probably quicker and more seamless to move the files directly to your newly specified tce/optional directory (then use appsaudit, etc).  Afterwards, backing up as usual should be seamless as well.

Offline beerstein

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Re: how to see my applications after reboot?
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2010, 10:53:14 AM »
Thank you so much for your help and suggestions
Here are more details:

I have not installed TC yet. So when I mentioned "reboot" in my first post I ment booting from a TC live

Here is what I would like to do:
1) Boot a live TC CD-ROM
2) install several vip applications ( only what I need) and setup my network stuff
after these applications are installed I see the icons.
3) Now I would like to have these applications resident on my
/dev/hda1 (FAT 32) or (ext3) whatever I choose.
4) Now I will use these applications and the network stuff.
5) After shutting down the live CD ROM and reboot from CDROM on the same machine
I would like to see my application icons and have my network ready to run.

So far I only can find my applications and have to reeinstall them everytime.

I think this is a very interesting and powerful feature of TC just to have a few applications (only the ones I really need) and have a quick boot and fast execution on the machine.

All the best for you guys and thank you so much
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Offline gerald_clark

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Re: how to see my applications after reboot?
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2010, 05:31:42 PM »
mkdir /mnt/hda1/tce
Configure your network
Install your applications.
Run backup.

On next boot, your applications will load and your network will be configured.

Offline beerstein

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Re: how to see my applications after reboot?
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2010, 04:38:02 AM »
OK thank you for that - I will try it out and let you kbow.

Does tne new version needs /tce/optional   - ?
What happens to the directory:


When I do an Appa Audit I see this folder. I have my applications in /home/tce/optional now and load each extension every time.

Thank you and have a good weekend
t(w)o be(ers) or not t(w)o be(ers) that is the question

Offline gerald_clark

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Re: how to see my applications after reboot?
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2010, 01:22:20 PM »
Your applications and all their dependencies will be in /mnt/hda1/tce/optional.
You will have a /mnt/hda1/tce/onboot file that lists which applications will load on boot.

Offline roberts

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Re: how to see my applications after reboot?
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2010, 01:32:07 PM »
You really don't need to make any directories.

When you boot from a liveCD, press f2 and also f3 to see the boot options
If you want your application extensions to persist on a hard drive, it is simply a matter of booting the liveCD as follows. At the first boot prompt:

boot: tinycore tce=hda1

Or what ever your hard drive is. It cannot be ntfs. If a pendrive use:

boot: tinycoer tce-sda1 waitusb=5

Assuming your pendrive is sda1

These boot codes setup your tce and tce/optional are only required once!

Do not store extensions in your home directory.
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Offline Xianwen Chen

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Re: how to see my applications after reboot?
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2010, 05:08:02 AM »
You really don't need to make any directories.

When you boot from a liveCD, press f2 and also f3 to see the boot options
If you want your application extensions to persist on a hard drive, it is simply a matter of booting the liveCD as follows. At the first boot prompt:

boot: tinycore tce=hda1

Or what ever your hard drive is. It cannot be ntfs. If a pendrive use:

boot: tinycoer tce-sda1 waitusb=5

Assuming your pendrive is sda1

These boot codes setup your tce and tce/optional are only required once!

Do not store extensions in your home directory.
There is a typo.
Code: [Select]
boot: tinycoer tce-sda1 waitusb=5 shall be
Code: [Select]
boot: tinycoer tce=sda1 waitusb=5

Offline Pats

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Re: how to see my applications after reboot?
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2010, 05:39:42 AM »
Again there is a typo. :)
boot: tinycore
and not tinycoer
~ Pats

Offline beerstein

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Re: how to see my applications after reboot?
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2010, 07:30:30 AM »
Thank you so much guys for your help.

I think I now know what kind of bubu I made.
When I first booted the live CD did not specify the /dev/hda1. Then I downloaded the extensions and
installed them. So far so good. Then I thought - hey it would be nice to have that "stuff" available every time
I boot TC from my live CD from that PC. So I did a back up and expected to see my applications after reboot.
No way - nothing there after the next reboot. So I installed the same applications again. After looking through the folders I discovered the extensions some where in the / of the loaded TC. I think it was in /tmp/tce/optional -
I am not 100% sure but I think I found them there. The /tmp folder scared the hell out of me because I was sure I will loose my extensions again after reboot. So I decided to copy this folder /tmp/tce/optional into my /home folder - like a dog who needs to carry the bone into a safe place.
I also had some hope that after reboot now my extensions would be loaded from /hda1 and installed.

But this was not the case. Then I tried all kind of things but never was able to have my extensions and icons avaiable after reboot.

I think the big mistake I made was copying the files int0 /home
see previous post from one of our friends

No what do you think - Where did TC pick up the extensions from /hda1 after rebbot?

I saw a file mydate.tgz on /hda1/fcbackup
Then I saw a /hda1/mydata folder
I did not see a /tce on my /hda1   I think there was a /tc from a previous TC version.

You can see that I am confused - but my be there is help - Once I found out how to do it I will write a step step HOW TO on that subject, because I think many of you newbees have the same intentions.

Have a good day
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Offline gerald_clark

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Re: how to see my applications after reboot?
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2010, 06:41:30 PM »
You have already been told by roberts how to do it.

I also gave you another way to accomplish the same thing in case you don't understand how to enter boot options.