Micro Core V2.6 is now posted at
http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/tinycorelinux/2.x/release/Change log for v2.6
* Updated blkid, libblkid, and libuuid.
* Updated rebuildfstab to drop extra mount points and to reflect removals.
* New select utility replaces dialog.
* Dropped dialog, use dialog.tcz extension (posted).
* Updated mktclocal using select.
* Updated tc-terminal-server using select.
* Updated missing link libpng.so.
* Dropped cryptohome support.
* Updated tc-config to reflect recent changes.
* Busybox mount and losetup replaces GNU versions.
* Updated rc.shutdown for busybox syntax.
* Updated tce-load to support busybox mount.
* Dropped support for ziofs and cramfs, all extensions are now squashfs.
* Dropped busybox ed, eject, fsck, expand, and unexpand applets.
* Busybox lsmod, insmod, rmmod, modprobe replace GNU versions.
* Updated tc-restore.sh. restore boot option overrides default backup location.
* Updated motd restored tiny ascii penguin.
You must have your tcz collection updated, i.e., all squashfs and all with 4096 block size.
Files that have changed and likely in your backup or persistent store:
The distribution files are also availble:
http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/tinycorelinux/2.x/release_candidates/distribution_filesPlease check md5sums after downloading..
Updated core elements:
Xprogs.core.tczl xsetup.sh, cpanel
Xlibs.core.tczl libpng.so
And related extensions:
flwm_topside.tcz flwm_restart, .wmx
flwm.tcz .wmx