Knoppix 6.2 was released yesterday on a full CD and DVD, with of the Linux kernel. Good to see it is still alive. This was the first Live LINUX I used for long time before changed over to SLAX. It is a bit funny to see a boot message of a 690M distro it is based on MICROKNOPPIX, but otherwise it looks nice.
Also interesting, that starting with 6.0 default desktop is LXDE.
Depending on your choice of CD or DVD, a variety of software packages from the Debian software repositories ( is installed. The CD version contains at least:
* LXDE as the standard desktop,
* Open Office,
* the Firefox WWW browser,
* GNU Image Manipulation Program GIMP,
* MPlayer Multimedia System,
* Internet-access software for (W)LAN, modem, isdn, umts/gprs,
* Tools for data rescue, network analysis and system repair.