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[SOLVED] How to change timezone?

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Whether you add those lines to /opt/.filetool.lst or to say a separate list, mystuff.lst is the same effort.
You don't have to move or copy any files or directories to make your custom .tce

Then simply using the tar command

 tar -C / -T mystuff.lst -czvf mystuff.tce

seems pretty easy to me. Hardly worth creating a gui for a single command.


--- Quote from: roberts on January 10, 2009, 09:41:57 AM ---simply using the tar command

tar -C / -T mystuff.lst -czvf mystuff.tce
--- End quote ---

no you're right.

that is pretty incredibly simple. :) i assumed too much, from reading about how to create proper .dsl files recently. (actually i just finished reading the chapters you wrote, i'm reading christopher negus's chapters now.) some of the simplifications in tc are really nice.


--- Quote from: roberts on January 10, 2009, 08:37:33 AM ---Just a comment. I notice that many posts contain instructions of adding system files to /opt/.filetool.lst.

While there is nothing wrong with it, it is not preferable.

The concept behind TC is modularity and the separation of static from dynamic data.

The preferred method would be to make a kolata.tce which contains the static system files and add it to your tce directory.

By doing this you keep the backup times shorter.

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Thanks. I have made Kolkata.tce and deleted the entries in /opt/.filetool.lst

I have tested and it is working. I am attaching it to this post so that anyone from India can use it.



--- Quote from: tobiaus on January 10, 2009, 10:04:49 AM ---that is pretty incredibly simple. :) i assumed too much, from reading about how to create proper .dsl files recently. [...] some of the simplifications in tc are really nice.

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It's actually pretty much the same


--- Quote from: ^thehatsrule^ on January 10, 2009, 01:39:03 PM ---It's actually pretty much the same

--- End quote ---

well then it seems to be getting better, but without abandoning tradition. that's good too.


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