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[SOLVED] How to change timezone?
Is the NIST server responding? When run from an xterm it should display both UTC and local.
local is specified via /etc/localtime
You may wish to use a more local time server.
The getTime.sh will accept a parameter of a time server nearer you.
See the script /usr/bin/getTime.sh. It is one that I converted from lua.
Assuming that the Kolkata file which I made on Ubuntu may not be working on TC, I tested the /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Dubai file by linking it to /etc/localtime. It does not work, however, if I boot with tz=Asia/Dubai the clock displays Dubai time.
It is established that any link made to /etc/localtime after booting TC does not work.
I have working internet connection and "sudo getTime.sh" displays the following when I boot with tz=Asia/Dubai:
Fri Jan 9 16:21:30 UTC 2009
Fri Jan 9 20:21:30 GST 2009.
When I boot without tz=Asia/Dubai and change the timezone later by linking /etc/localtime to Dubai both lines display UTC only.
This is happening on default TC boot (without any tz= option) only.
If I boot with any other tz= option (even tz=Asia/Kolkata which does not exist) the changes to /etc/localtime are honored.
I have added /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Kolkata and /etc/localtime to /opt/.filetool.lst and it works for me.
This thread is solved but I have submitted a bug report.
Just a comment. I notice that many posts contain instructions of adding system files to /opt/.filetool.lst.
While there is nothing wrong with it, it is not preferable.
The concept behind TC is modularity and the separation of static from dynamic data.
The preferred method would be to make a kolata.tce which contains the static system files and add it to your tce directory.
By doing this you keep the backup times shorter.
--- Quote from: roberts on January 10, 2009, 08:37:33 AM ---While there is nothing wrong with it, it is not preferable...
The preferred method would be to make a kolata.tce which contains the static system files and add it to your tce directory.
--- End quote ---
there's no question that your way is more ideal, it's not only faster, it is more likely to keep your tc setup working in the long run.
the ideal way would be "preferable" too, if it was not easier (more friendly) to add a line to filetool.lst than it was to create a .tce. creating a .tce is not the most complicated task, but i find myself putting off doing it this way, even though it was the way i originally planned to do everything (avoid filetool.lst completely!) but it turned out to be extremely friendly!
if there was ever a handy tool for making .tce's by simply giving it the name of a folder to "zip up," where the folder contained the proper structure (like the source directory for a dsl remaster does) then i think more people would do things the ideal way. the thing about adding to filetool.lst is, you don't even have to think about what you're doing so much. one line of text, there you go, it's added now. (but it's not ideal, just easy.)
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