Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 2.x
[deprecated] scrollkeeper
scrollkeeper.tczl posted:
--- Code: ---Title: scrollkeeper.tczl
Description: scrollkeeper documentation catalog
Version: 0.3.14
Author: see list of sites below
Original-site: see list of sites below
Copying-policy: see list of sites below
Size: 48KB
Extension_by: juanito
Comments: scrollkeeper is a cataloging system for documentation on open systems.
It manages documentation metadata (as specified by the Open Source..
..Metadata Framework(OMF)) and provides a simple API to allow help..
..browsers to find, sort, and search the document catalog
requires the docbook_xml_dtd extension
for use with the gnome-doc-utils extension
This extension contains:
scrollkeeper-0.3.14 - GPLv2.1 - http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/GNOME/sources/scrollkeeper/0.3/scrollkeeper-0.3.14.tar.bz
Change-log: first version
Current: 2009/11/06
--- End code ---
[marked as deprecated]
Arslan S.:
should this be replaced with rarian ? we have it under gnome-desktop-base if it is aggreed i will remove it out and submit as an extension
sorry, but should what be replaced with rarian?
Arslan S.:
--- Quote from: Juanito on March 28, 2010, 11:25:41 PM ---sorry, but should what be replaced with rarian?
--- End quote ---
rarian is replacement for scrollkeeper it does the same thing
my motivation for scrollkeeper was to get gnome-doc-utils working to be able to compile apps that would not otherwise compile without it - i.e. I had no interest in the actual docs produced.
..therefore I've no objection to replacing scrollkeeper
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