Hi there,
wohlstandpenner, can you please tell me if you have made any progress on the tinycore firmware for a Compaq Evo T20? I have been experiementing, but its been very difficult! I still haven't been able to get ethernet going, but thats not a problem, since I am planning to need wifi anyway. The ndiswrapper and wpa_supplicant modules seem to be too big to embed in tinycore.gz (I get 'out of memory' errors). And the application manager isnt working when I try to load them from console .. The error is "mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on /tmp/tcloop/ndiswrapper failed: No such device"
I'm pretty stuck, and I don't think I'm comfortable enough to recompile the linux kernel.. I don't REALLY know what I'm doing when it comes to the flags and optimizations for an Evo T20.. Also, since there a lot of packages that I need for my wireless drivers, I would rather like to avoid manually recompiling them all. I just want to load tcz packages from a usb stick, connect to my wifi connection and start playing internet radio (shell.fm) on my T20, but this goal is just getting more and more complicated!
Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it!
Nathan B