I have a machine that dual boots WinXP and Linux that has never been able to launch a TC Live CD. It gets as far as looking for swap partitions, then aborts with a hex dump.
I eventually discovered that if I used the NOFSTAB option, it would boot successfully and work fine in cloud mode. But if I tried PPR mode, it would report that the Linux partition was invalid (because it was not registered in fstab?). However commands like fdisk and e2fsck reported no problems with the Linux partition and I could mount it manually.
I also found that running "sudo rebuildfstab" from a terminal would completely lock up the machine. This command terminates gracefully on my other TC machines.
It seems like the rebuildfstab binary is detecting something non-standard with the hardware or maybe the NTFS partition and aborts at that point instead of allowing the boot process to continue.
TC is the only Linux Live CD I have seen that has this problem. I can appreciate that this is a difficult situation to debug and it may be unique to my particular machine.