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Loading PCI device when booting

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It's very nice talking to this forum. Thanks to all moderators and participant that give good and reponsive information.

Altought the module already loaded with bootlocal.sh ,  I still can't get serial device /dev/ttyXX appears.
If we place the modules in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel.tclocal. What's the different with /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel ?

Are you trying to attach a device to it?  For example, you might need to edit /etc/inittab (and use something other than rungetty - iirc it does not recommend serial use).  This would require a remaster though.

The difference probably won't matter if modprobing already works.  Having the modules in kernel.tclocal/ allows for tclocal persistency, whereas kernel/ will just typically be on ramdisk.

I attached tty to a serial device, with my own software.
Ok I see, I know the different purposes between those kernel location.
By the way, my question mostly because my limitation understanding in Linux.
What's linux distro has similiarity configuration with tinycore ? Maybe better I must learn from there before exploring tinycore.

Best Regards.

Ah, so if you want it to run automatically I guess you could add your software's command to the same script... after the modprobe line.  You might need to add a sleep statement or something similar if the device isn't recognized right away though.

TC specific configuration is probably unique (for the most part), ie tclocal

Yes, since /dev is non persistance , I must make a script with mknod to create /dev/ttyXX every time at booting. Is it correct ?
But It didn't happend if we use USB serial, that automatically create /dev/ttyUSB when plugin or booting.


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