Tiny Core Base > TCB Q&A Forum

Loading PCI device when booting

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I thought serial devices could be accessed from /dev/ttyS[0-3] ? (they are currently in TC)

If you need to use mknod, you could either add it to the start of a script, or remaster TC with the file already in it.

Ok Thanks.

Many ways to accomplish. Everything in unix is a file.
You can include it in a backup and not have to re-create it upon each boot.
Either way.

After recompiling the kernel, I can found my multiport ttyS device, automatically, since udev working for me.
There are limitation in kernel configuration, the default maximum number is only 4 ports. I change to the number of my serial port and when booting all 33 serial port detected and created /dev/ttySxx automatically .
Thanks for you kind to assist me.


Good to hear that you've gotten it to work.  I'm just curious though, what are you using that requires 33 serial ports?


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