Man this is huge!
I'm a little disillusioned...
I have TC running with apps that I need, and some that I don't need but want, such as Opera, wine (to check email while keeping things in sync with Windows), Xorg (due to external widescreen monitor resolution), rox, geany, Xfce4base, ntfs-3g, abiword, wireless stuff... maybe a few more that I don't recall right now. Abiword I need very seldomly so I will change that to an optional one. But all the other apps I need essentially every session.
So I checked disk usage for my tc setup, and it exceeds 400MB! And it takes more than a minute to boot up! Far cry from the sleek fast trim tc I started off with.

So please forgive me for being disillusioned... I am now starting from scratch again because there may be a lot in /tce which is not needed any more. I am also dabbling with a ppi installation but Xorg is hard to handle.
* hmmm... wonders if opera's cache is the problem... still that has nothing to do with booting time... *