The issue is that this is also happening from the command line at times...
I'm trying to make a tcz with just the battery monitor and is very frustrating when the performance is unpredictably spotty... Would be great if you just make one. 
Now the problem with that is I have yet to make a tcz. So I'll be as stuck as you :-)
I must say though, it's not really designed to be a system level installed thing. It more properly resides in the users home directory. Also It's a bit heavy for just the one widget. I focused on keeping the per-widget resources low, the plan is to make plenty (I'm rather tempted to make a winamp-ish widget to drive mpd) of widgets.
An addition you may want to put in Plops is the ability to quit the widgets individually after launching, and not all or nothing.
Another addition you want to make is for the handler to quit if it fails because a) you may and up with a lot of ghost processes running, b) I _think_ that you can not launch 2 instances of the same widget.
Yeah, it's a bit rough around the edges. It works fine running once at boot, which is the usual case but killing and rerunning is prone to get it confused. I do plan to get to these things, but I have a million and one things to do.
Running multiple instances is as simple as making a new copy of it. To make a clone of another widget you could have a directory with, a set of Pipes and symlinks to the required files. I figured, as is the nature of Widgets, people have a tendancy to want customise. So I decided to have the widget directory hold the entire widget, allowing people to copy, symlink, or provide custom files as they see fit. The easiest example of this would be a alternative clock widget that has a symlink to the same exe as the default clock, but a different png file for the clock face (plus it's own commands,events & results pipes).