General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks
--- Quote from: mavrothal on March 26, 2010, 06:18:04 AM ---So is it publicly available? If not could you post it here (assuming that is small enough to fit the attachment limit)
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I think svn is fairly up to date. Bedtime now, but I'll update the download in the morning.
--- Quote ---Is debugging/logging enabled in python? This may take a couple of seconds in launch time.
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I have no idea, I grabbed the package, it made python run.
--- Quote from: Lerc on March 26, 2010, 07:00:38 AM ---
--- Quote from: mavrothal on March 26, 2010, 06:18:04 AM ---So is it publicly available? If not could you post it here (assuming that is small enough to fit the attachment limit)
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I think svn is fairly up to date. Bedtime now, but I'll update the download in the morning.
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I edited the /plops/baterry/IM_NOT_A_BATTERY file to point to /sys/devices/platform/olpc-battery.0/power_supply/olpc-battery/capacity but running `./plops battery' it says
"An unhandled exception occured at $08048523 :
EInOutError : Invalid input
$08048141 "
`cat /sys/devices/platform/olpc-battery.0/power_supply/olpc-battery/capacity' reports the correct battery full perentage.
What's the setting in your XO?
--- Quote from: mavrothal on March 26, 2010, 11:07:14 AM ---`cat /sys/devices/platform/olpc-battery.0/power_supply/olpc-battery/capacity' reports the correct battery full perentage.
What's the setting in your XO?
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I just uploaded the more recent build. It's as a Rox AppDir so just clicking on it in Rox-Filer should run it. Alternately running the AppRun script should do the same thing in other environments.
This version uses a readbattery script for the battery. All the script contains is
cat ChargeLevel_Link
and on my XO I've symlinked ChargeLevel_Link to /sys/class/power-suply/olpc-battery/capacity
I have an EEE701 which doesn't seem to have the number represented in a sane format so on that I have a python script to read it via hal.
Also in this version is a little lua script in the graph directory which works as a cpu monitor. Just a quickly knocked together thing, but you run
Plops/Widgets/graph/monitor >Plops/Widgets/graph/data and you have a cpu load graph.
This version also bundles wcalc with the calculator.
No luck :(
All the widgets work but the battery monitor. Either by Rox-filer or by `./AppRun'
Actually `cat Plops/Widgets/battery/commands' suggests that the widget does not even run.
Running it from within the batery directory by `./battery' you can see the commands issued but no battery monitor and nothing in "results" or "events".
`./readbattery' reports the correct battery level when pointing to /sys/devices/platform/olpc-battery.0/power_supply/olpc-battery/capacity but not when pointing to /sys/class/power-suply/olpc-battery/capacity
There are no errors at any point.
Do you need any other extensions to run it in TC-XO? Which extensions do you have loaded when you can see that battery monitor on TC-XO desktop? Are you using flwm or an other WM?
--- Quote from: mavrothal on March 27, 2010, 02:35:00 AM ---No luck :(
All the widgets work but the battery monitor. Either by Rox-filer or by `./AppRun'
Actually `cat Plops/Widgets/battery/commands' suggests that the widget does not even run.
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Ah right, That'll be because I'm an idiot.
Have a look at the Plops/Launch/ directory
The symlinks in there are the widgets that actually get launched.
The default Launch directory has just the links
calculator -> ../Widgets/calculator
clock -> ../Widgets/clock
graph -> ../Widgets/graph
Add one for the battery and it should launch.
The idea is that people can configure with drag and drop in a file manager, but it doesn't work if I don't tell anyone about it.
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