General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks
make sure that you expand the tarball (tar xvjf) as root.
I just did it again (in Ubuntu) from the posted file and what I get is
--- Code: ---root@OLPC:/media/TC-XO# ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 21 18:35 boot
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Apr 21 18:26 home
drwxrwsr-x 3 root staff 4096 Apr 21 20:56 opt
drwxrwxr-x 3 1001 staff 4096 Apr 21 18:52 tce
--- End code ---
Files/folders with "tc" owner in TC show as "1001" in Fedora/Ubuntu
I do not know about the Apple Airport wireless. What is your encryption settings? Is it open or protected network? Only open/WEP is supported w/o WPA-supplicant
You are not suppose to setup VESA or anything. Should boot directly to Xorg desktop.
Have you checked that the download is OK? (md5sum?)
I would recommend to re-download and expand the file as su/sudo at the root of the "TC-XO"-labeled stick. etx2 is OK, but you can try ext3 just in case.
PS: do not use Xarchiver or another GUI utility to expand the .tar.bz2 file. Quite often (more in Fedora than Ubuntu, AFAICT) messes up the permissions
Please note that specific remaster support, and its related announcements should be directed to their sites (which is now listed under the remaster section).
I guess I will post something in the remaster section. See you there
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