do I need to bcrypt the package before sending? There in the wiki was said that gmail provides enough security to do not so. Is it actual data?
In addition, I found no package named mp3blaster in official repo, so I believe it's all up to me, no need to agree with anyone?
I've built it for myself, it works (as tcz) and it depends on four small packages only, instead of a whole bunch of them in cmus dependence tree. mpg123 also requires only one or two dependencies and is quite small but it doesn't provide nice looking CLI GUI, playlists, file browser, doesn't play not only mp3 but ogg and flac and wav files too (and mp3blaster even can convert them somehow) and so on. I do not know if cmus does provide it too and what is it like, because it never worked for me. It chains so goddam many packets in dependencies, some X junk, and much more, and then I ran it and it won't start complaining of not finding some MORE libraries. I installed the required just fo' lulz and it still won't play for some more reason, I don't recall why. But anyway, is it good to install twenty or more dependencies for one CLI music player? mp3blaster is nice.
[EDIT]: Removed color tag which made text difficult to read. Rich