I came across beaver-0.3 and compiled it, thinking it was still a gtk1 version. It wasn't, so I thought I might as well compile the latest gtk2 version.
I'm not sure how a 76KB text editor sits with the size of gtk2 and all its friends, but here it is anyway: Title: beaver2.tcz
Description: beaver gtk2 text editor
Version: 0.4.0rc1
Author: see list of sites below
Original-site: see list of sites below
Copying-policy: see list of sites below
Size: 76KB
Extension_by: juanito
Comments: Beaver is an Early AdVanced EditoR
requires gtk2 extensions
This extension contains:
beaver-0.4.0rc1 - GPLv2 - http://www.nongnu.org/beaver/dloads/tarballs/beaver-0.4.0rc1.tar.gz
Change-log: first version
Current: 2009/10/04