In v2.3 & v2.4rc1 I was using rsync to copy to filesystem, i.e, 'install' a tcz.
This was causing upstream directories to be overwritten.
In v2.4rc2 I switched to using a tar pipe with xlist, but it was noticeable slower.
With the help of Jason, we tried several options, and decided on cpio.
The GNU version of such has a passthru mode and we can control upstream permissions better.
So rsync, was replaced by tar pipe, was replaced by cpio.
I no longer display extensions as they are being loaded, with upwards of 100 or so, it takes too much time to write to screen. Besides, I do not display each file as it is being restored, nor do I display each boot codes as it is being checked. So we now have a more consistent and cleaner boot screen.